Azira’s Solutions
Unlock Instant, Accurate Customer Insights
Know your customers better than anyone else. Access real-time data and consumer insights on how people behave in the physical and digital world including where your customers live, work, and shop. By using the right data, never miss an opportunity to reach your customers with the right message at the right time.

Trusted for Customer Insights by leading organizations across retail, restaurants, and commercial
real estate

Tama Shor,
President, Directory of Major Malls / ShoppingCenters.com
It’s a game-changer in the sense it can provide so much more actionable, shopper-centric insight about the property, and opens up new types of opportunities to use the data.

Build Accurate Personas Based on Consumer Insights
Obtain a clear picture of your most valuable customer segments by knowing their interests and visitation patterns based on real-world behaviors. Target more effectively and find new “act-alike” audiences who fit your best personas.

Choose New Locations Based on Customer Preferences
Analyze prospective locations and choose the most profitable ones based on customer behaviors—like where else they shop or commute patterns. Understand customer demographics and brand affinities to choose a storefront near other brands that resonate with your customers.

Keep a Pulse on Changing Consumer Behaviors
View patterns in visitation to understand trends like whether your customers are visiting an area more or less, and how far they’re willing to travel. Get an accurate picture of customer behavior to optimize merchandising and marketing, select new locations, and more.

Azira’s Solution for Customer Insights
Visitation Pattern Insights
Privacy-First, Always
Power Custom Visualizations
Advanced Reporting Tools
Brand Affinity Analysis
Demographics Reports