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Successfully Recovering From a 54% Drop in Tourism

with Gary Orfield, Director of Tourism Development at Visit Greater Palm Springs

About this Episode:

In this episode, Kat is joined by Gary Orfield, Director of Tourism Development at Visit Greater Palm Springs, Southern California’s storied resort oasis. Gary talks about the impact the pandemic has had on tourism trade in California, with tourism in Palm Springs having dropped by 54% during the peak of the pandemic. He also discusses how visitors are segmented between in-state and overseas, and how his team uses data to develop long term strategies, bringing Greater Palm Springs back to life.

Listen On
Gary Orfield
Director of Tourism Development
at Visit Greater Palm Springs

Key Highlights:

3:29 - 4:46
Creating a Year-Round Season with Data
With the use of data, Greater Palm Springs was able to identify that overseas markets were flocking to Palm Springs in what many might’ve thought was the off season, making the area a year-round travel destination.
6:16 - 8:10
Using Data to Support Business Decisions
Greater Palm Springs uses data to not only assist in its business decisions, but to validate them.
10:51 - 13:04
Aligning Data to What Consumers Want
Post-pandemic, Greater Palm Springs used data to understand what customers want in a post-pandemic world, and found that offering more outdoor activities, and health and wellness destinations was the way to go.
22:22 - 25:16
Pulling Multiple Data Sources
Greater Palm Springs advocates pulling as many data sources as possible to give consumers the most personalized experiences, and do also ensure they’re aligning and enhancing their brand pillars.
24:57 - 26:25
Data Dos and Data Don’ts
Gary shares his top data dos and don’ts for those ready to implement a new data strategy, or enhance an existing one.

Do try to find as many (data) sources as possible. And just on the flip side, don’t rely on one or two data points. And don’t analyze till you’re paralyzed. I think that my biggest takeaway on using research and data is to get as clear and a bigger picture from many different angles and opinions as possible.

Gary Orfield
Director of Tourism Development at Visit Greater Palm Springs