Understanding Anomalies in Consumer Behavior Data

How Madden Serves Destination Marketing Organizations with Azira’s Tourism Data


Key Insights:

Business Challenge:

  •  Provide Destination Marketing Organizations with high-quality, real-time tourism data.

Results at Glance:

  • Equipped DMOs with comprehensive, timely data to enhance marketing strategies and operational decisions.
  • Strengthened Madden’s ability to serve premier tourist destinations like Kalamazoo, MI, and the Grand Canyon.


  • Partnered with Azira to access tourism data covering over 200 million U.S. visitors and 1.6 billion worldwide.
  • Delivered insights on visitor origin markets, length of stay, and traffic patterns for restaurants, retail, hotels, and more.

Madden, a full-service destination marketing agency, needed to be able to provide their clients with data intelligence that’s both high quality and high velocity. Madden’s clients include more than 50 Destination Marketing Organizations, including those serving Kalamazoo Michigan, Grand Canyon and many other premier tourist destinations”. Destinations have a particular need to be able to quickly respond to trends and news to adapt their marketing and operations.

Madden partnered with Azira to provide their clients access to a tourism data that provides information like visitor origin markets, length of stay, and traffic patterns to restaurants, retail, hotels, and more. Azira’s data includes more than 200 million visitors in the United States and 1.6 billion worldwide, giving Madden a huge data sample to work with for their clients. 

Learn more about Azira’s consumer behavior insights for Media Agencies here. 
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