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How a Media Agency and Azira Drove a 38% Uplift in Website Visits for a Home Builder Supplier

How a Media Agency and Azira Drove a 38% Uplift in Website Visits for a Home Builder Supplier



A media agency that uses unconventional intelligence to drive outsized campaign results, was looking to drive awareness for its client, a premier supplier for home construction projects.

To maximize effectiveness, the media agency and its client wanted to reach a targeted audience of potential customers in New South Wales and Victoria, Australia. Potential customers included builders and homeowners looking to build as identified through their real-world behaviors.


The media agency faced several challenges when promoting the client’s home construction products, including how to best reach a highly targeted audience of builders and homeowners likely to be doing a building project. To succeed, the media agency needed to develop a strategic approach that required a deep understanding of the target audience, and the ability to reach the right customers at the right time.

The media agency needed to create a campaign that would move the needle on key metrics, including website visits.


In order to deliver a highly effective drive-to-store campaign, Azira implemented its ‘Triple A’ approach:


Azira curated custom audience segments that were likely to be builders and homeowners looking to potentially build through their real-world behaviors.


Builder Professionals
Devices Seen at Builder Head Office Locations

Display Home Visitors 
Devices Seen Visiting Display Home Locations


Azira successfully activated these audiences by delivering engaging rich media ads through in-app placements. Leveraging a high-impact creative format helped drive awareness and intent among potential customers.

The interactive rich media ad formats were used to highlight the standout benefits of the client’s home construction products, including durability and ease of maintenance. Creatives were also targeted by region to ensure the messaging resonated best with potential customers in New South Wales and Victoria.


Azira provided reporting including total attributed footfall, attribution lift index, and website visits by segment and ad channel. 

Azira also offered valuable insights into brand affinities and demographics who were most likely to engage with the campaign. These metrics allowed the media agency and the client to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and make data-driven decisions to optimize future advertising strategies.


The campaign yielded impressive results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the geotargeting for the client:

38% Lift in Website Visits
The audience exposed to the campaign was 38% more likely to visit the website when compared to the control audience.


Precision-Targeting at Scale
The campaign delivered more than 1.6M impressions to the target audience of builders and homeowners, with a unique reach of 536K.


Tangible Results
The high-impact creatives generated over 4,000 clicks from the highly-qualified target audience.

These results not only validate the media agency’s approach but also highlight the power of geotargeting ads as a powerful marketing tool to drive awareness and impact.

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