Understanding Anomalies in Consumer Behavior Data
The Azira Team

The Azira Team

2 mins read

What consumer behavior data uncovers about the most popular Apple Store in the U.S.

With the Apple product launch event a couple weeks back, we couldn’t think of a better brand to pull insights on. We identified the largest Apple Store in the country (hello Boston!) and ran a consumer behavior data report to understand consumer behavior.

By accessing this report for visitors to Apple Boylston Street in Boston in 2022, we discovered:

Fridays are the busiest days at the store, bringing in more than 20% of the total visits. 5pm is the most popular time for a visit, as the store sees a big uptick in visitors around the end of the workday.

Visitors by Day of the Week

Many people are traveling from 1-3 miles away to the store, with the most common evening locations tightly clustered near the store. If people are traveling from over 1 mile away, many take Beacon Street to Commonwealth Avenue.  Many visitors were also seen on the I-90 corridor heading into town, which is also the route of a train line.
Common Evening Location & Pathing for Apple Store Visitors
Common evening locations for visitors are tightly grouped near the Apple Store.
The Pathing Report shows the routes people took to the Apple Store.

Consumer behavior data can provide these types of consumer behavior insights on any location, including stores, restaurants, tourist destinations, office buildings and more. To learn more about a location you’re interested in, check out a demo.


Azira generated a consumer behavior data report for Apple Store location on Boylston St. in Boston between January 1 – September 7, 2022.